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#1 With a Bullet Point: 9 Witch Hunter FeatsClick to magnify
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#1 With a Bullet Point: 9 Witch Hunter Feats

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Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. While solid world- building is a useful skill, you don’t always need four paragraphs of flavor text to tell you swords are cool, magic is power, shadows are scary, and orcs are savage. Sometimes a GM doesn’t have time to slog through a page of history for every magic weapon. Sometimes all that’s needed are a few cool ideas, with just enough information to use them in a game. Sometimes, all you need are bullet points.

#1 With A Bullet Point is a line of very short, cheap PDFs each of which gives the bare bones of a set of related options. It may be five spells, six feats, eight magic weapon special abilities, or any other short set of related rules we can cram into about a page. Short and simple, these PDFs are for GMs and players who know how to integrate new ideas into their campaigns without any hand-holding, and just need fresh ideas and the rules to support them. No in-character fiction setting the game world. No charts and tables. No sidebars of explanations and optional rules. Just one sentence of explanation for the High Concept of the PDF, then bullet points.

The High Concept: Nine feats designed to augment the options and utility of witch hunters (from The Genius Guide to the Witch Hunter) or, if witch hunters aren’t being used in a campaign, that can be taken by fighters with the Disruptive feat (replacing witch hunter level prerequisites with fighter level prerequisites, and adding Disruptive as a prerequisite to all feats). This is the latest in a series of products to celebrate the "Summer of Bullets" event!

The feats included are:

  • Bane of the Supernatural (Combat): You have learned to recognize when a creature is going to call on eldritch powers, and to take advantage of that moment.
  • Brand of Binding: You have learned how to brand foes with runes and sigils that neutralize their eldritch powers.
  • Branding Critical (Critical): You can carve the sigils of a binding brand into a foe with a perfect weapon strike.
  • Hex Resistance: You have hardened your body and mind against the power of hexes.
  • I Know Your Tricks: You use your experience with preternatural foes to gird yourself against their magics.
  • Lightbearer: You can summon light into the darkness.
  • Preempt the Supernatural (Combat): You can strike a creature so suddenly and forcefully, it loses its control of its eldritch powers.
  • Shrewd Studies: You have a knack for learning exactly the lore you need.
  • SoulGuard: You can defend an ally’s soul and mind, as well as body.
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Timothy B. [Crítico destacado]
July 20th, 2012
Hard to mess with a good thing. A page for the cover, a page for the OGL and then a page of nine feats for Witch hunters to either protect them from witches or to help them when battling the forces of darkness. If you enjoyed the Genius Guide to the [...]
July 14th, 2012
Yet another chambered round for the Summer of Bullets from the SGG camp, 9 Witch Hunter Feats, follows the standard 3 page, landscape orientation with the 3 column format for new material. Artwork is stock, one piece of color, one piece B&W, both [...]
July 14th, 2012
All right, you know the deal - 3 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page SRD/editorial, 1 page content -go! This pdf contains 9 new feats for SGG's Witch Hunter-class, the feats being: -Bane of the supernatural: When a creature uses a supernatu [...]
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File Last Updated:
July 20, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde July 11, 2012.