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The Library

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The Library

DramaScape Free Volume 13

 The Library is a full-color, 36 x 10 inch, floor plan of an  Library, with Hex, Square and No overlay.

This Product includes the VTT files for online play.

Includes a 360° View of the map.

Game Masters need quality maps for their miniatures. DramaScape™ is committed to bringing Game Masters the maps they need.

"Some of these old books haven't been opened in years. Are you sure we should disturb them now?"

The Library includes a single map of a library room. This product includes a 360-degree panoramic view centered at the middle of the center table.

The Library includes several lamps, making its starting time period as late 19th century forward. This makes its best genre pulp action adventure or Horror, but could be part of an old mansion house in a modern game.

The Library is an excellent location for the group to conduct research or an investigation. There are two rows of bookshelves, enough books to bury themselves in for weeks. The room has two fireplaces, one in use near the doorways, and one at the far end not in use. Is there a secret behind this fireplace leading further into the mansion such as a secret room for the actually important occult books? Are there forces that do not want the group to find out what they wish to know and will interfere with their research here? Such as cultists or horrific creatures?

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Mike S October 28, 2014 11:40 pm UTC
OOOPs! Reviewed the WRONG library! This one's good, but I reviewed Dave Graffam's here by mistake. My bad. Feel free to delete, mods. M
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May 01, 2013
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