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Realm of Bethica Fantasy RPG

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The Realm of Bethica system

     The Realm of Bethica is a traditional fantasy roleplaying game with non- traditional mechanics, utilizing a skill based system in place of classes and allowing a large degree of character customization and freedom, including the ability for players to craft their own spells.
     Utilizing the Universal Battles system as a base, the Realm of Bethica itself is a unique fantasy setting with a diverse set of races and creatures, including traditional and original takes on classic creatures such as goblins and fae, and the inclusion of less common monsters such as the alhuizotl.

Compare and Contrast

     List of differences from the world’s most popular and longest running rpgs.

Classes’ vs Skills

     While many modern rpgs have increased the level of customization available to the player, the traditional d20 systems are still limited by a class system. With the skill system of The Realm of Bethica players are given a greater degree of freedom to create the character they imagine.

Spell Lists vs Spell crafting

     Though The Realm of Bethica supplies a list of spells for those looking for a quick list, its unique spell crafting system allows for players to truly customize what it is they want to do with magic. With this your magic users can cast spells unique to their characters and reflecting their own personalities and stories.

Traditional vs New & Different

     The Realms of Bethica has numerous creatures that fall into the more traditional side of things, but also offers distinct new takes on classic fantasy creatures, such as trolls, Fae, and even common fantasy creatures such as undead skeletons, giving them a fearsome new edge.

More about the Game

     The Realm of Bethica is a fantasy RPG built on a natural and intuitive D10 game system that emphasizes player innovation and critical thinking. As the debut offering from Universal Battles LLC, more than thirty years in the making, The Realm of Bethica promises to lead you on a dynamic and ever-changing journey across a breathing world, in which a long-forgotten evil threatens to resurface on a splintered land. 

     Will you be a mighty Fighter charging into battle alongside your allies, or will you be a dastardly Rogue who strikes from the shadows? Will you take up the mantle of a Sorcerer and rain down wave after wave of arcane fury on your foes, or will you pledge yourself to the divinities as a merciful Cleric? Within the framework of these four Archetypes, The Realm of Bethica employs the Genesis Archetype system, allowing players to customize their characters and modify their skillset down to the last detail.

     The Realm of Bethica is crafted from the same leather as all role-playing games — players embark on grand adventures under the guidance of a GM, with formidable obstacles and terrifying monsters hounding them at every turn. But beneath the surface, Bethica's streamlined yet amazingly customizable system makes the game fun and intuitive on a level rarely seen before. In Bethica's lightning-fast and streamlined combat system, players decide their fates with a few simple rolls — calculating both chance to hit and damage dealt at once — instead of wasting valuable playtime flipping through supplements. Moreover, under the game's revolutionary spell system, players are the architects of their spells, this allows them to design and tailor their spells to give them their own unique flavor.


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Warren R April 12, 2020 7:45 pm UTC
" Hey everyone, I'm excited to announce a project involving the Realm of Bethica that I have had in the works for a while now. We are looking forward to building a community and would love to get some feedback on a few items we have been working on and suggestions about other additions to the project. The server will keep you updated on our progress and give you the opportunity to be part of our Alpha and Beta testing phases! We can't wait for you to be part of our community! " Click the link to see what we are up too...
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Warren R October 04, 2019 5:47 am UTC
We are currently working on some new updates to the rules, such as advantages and disadvantages, new techniques, talent modifications, race enhancements, and more. We are also working on adding it to Fantasy ground and a web interface where you can create and store your characters in a digital format.
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Abraham Z August 29, 2019 4:49 pm UTC
On page 55 (56 on the PDF), the description of the "Necromancer" archetype seems lacking: it names them "Arcane Savants", and the description of the archetype's features seem to have nothing to do with necromancy. Is this an error or are they supposed to be called Arcane Savants? Are their features supposed to be that generic? It clashes with the descriptions of the other archetypes, which are quite specific and obviously in theme with each archetype.
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Abraham Z August 29, 2019 4:51 pm UTC
After reading through it a bit more, it definitely is an error, there is nothing that points out this archetype as being a Necromancer archetype, please fix it.
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Warren R October 04, 2019 5:04 am UTC
We are working on some revision, to the rules, I will look more into that. The system is meant for players to design their own archetype, and the Pregens are just simple examples. If a player chooses to focus on the Necromancy, then they choose Necromancy as their arcane sphere. But I see what you mean. I will list it since this was an example of a necromancer.
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Warren R October 04, 2019 5:41 am UTC
Thank you for the correction. :-)
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Abraham Z October 04, 2019 7:47 am UTC
That makes sense, thanks!
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Chad H August 25, 2017 10:59 pm UTC
You should really consider a digital version, and at the absolute least add a preview; most folks aren't going to drop $50 for a product sight-unseen.
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Warren R September 25, 2017 4:25 am UTC
There should be a preview version, not should why it is not should it.
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Warren R October 17, 2018 8:51 pm UTC
We have a Digital Version now.
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Alexandre L August 23, 2017 3:45 pm UTC
No digital version or preview?
Customer avatar
Warren R September 25, 2017 4:26 am UTC
There should be a preview version, not should why it is not should it. Working a digital version.
Customer avatar
Warren R October 17, 2018 8:50 pm UTC
We have it now.
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File Last Updated:
October 04, 2019
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde August 23, 2017.