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The Taverner's Trusty Tome

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This book is where d20 gets drunk - packed with dozens of drinks both mundane and fantastic, from beers, wines and spirits to exotic fantasy concoctions with strange side-effects. The book has extensive d20 drinking rules, plus guides to taverns and inns, and rules for running them.

Eat, drink and be merry... an invaluable sourcebook for any campaign which features taverns, inns or drinks!

Rowdy, rustic taverns, hot meals, and strong drink* - while popular elements in role playing fantasy, the lack of variety and detail often make this part of the urban crawl somewhat repetitive and dull. Sick of hearing of your players say "I'll order an ale" for the ten thousandth time? Then The Taverner's Tome is your solution to the boring side of role playing intoxication.

Packed with dozens of drinks both mundane and fantastic The Taverner's Tome provides much more than the simple offerings of brew, wine, and spirits. From table wines to the more exotic fruit beers and flavored rum this book is a great resource for spicing up that otherwise plain bar menu. Mixed drinks in the height of fantasy flair are also covered as well as the curious fantastical beverages that offer special bonuses or dreadful side effects to those who consume these special concoctions. In addition drinking rules are provided along with the different types of drunken personalities that your characters might run into (or become).

Have a character who's more at home behind the bar than within the stone walls of a mighty fortress? If so then the player of that character will find a resource of information regarding the success, management, and expenses of running or owning a tavern or inn. Perhaps there's an individual in your party with a few ranks in brewing or wine making? The Taverner's Tome also provides information on establishing and maintaining a winery or brewery.

All this and much, much more are available for your hearthside reading pleasure!

This supplement builds on the popular Drinking Rules first introduced in the bestselling Tournaments, Fairs & Taverns.

Developed By: Dark Quest Games
Written By: Neal Levin and David Woodrum
Page Count: 60 pages
Cover by: Kallen
Illustrated by: Gillian Pearce

Check out the reviews:

"The Taverner's Trusty Tome. A whole PDF about drinking? Do we need this? No. Do I like it? HECK YES. A majority of the excellent d20 products out there are ones we don't 'need'. This one is a top contender, though... Art throughout is quite good, if not amazing. Layout is a charm and VERY easy to read, and the whole book is packed with information." - Review by "TomFerris" at EN World.

"All in all, this book is very much worth dropping a few bucks on. You might not use it immediately or often, but there will come a time when you find yorself glad to have it! Plus, it is fun to read!" - Review by "rdcms" at EN World.


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James L December 18, 2020 9:02 am UTC
Publisher Preview = broken
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Tom R May 08, 2019 11:04 pm UTC
The link to "Tournaments, Fairs & Taverns" is incorrect.
It goes to "T4 Imperial Squadrons" by GDW on RPGNow.
The correct link to "Tournaments, Fairs & Taverns" should be here:
For D&D 3.5:
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Jose W January 20, 2018 12:50 pm UTC
publisher preview doesn't work.
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File Last Updated:
August 07, 2003
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde August 07, 2003.
Información de la editorial
Dark Quest Games
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