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Delta Green: Lover in the Ice

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An apocolyptic ice storm has crippled Lafontaine, Missouri. The Agents must secure a forgotten storage facility packed with artifacts of past Delta Green operations. They soon confront a horror that gruesomely invades and mutilates its victims. What is preying on the citizens of Lafontaine besides the weather? Can the Agents overcome the threat with decisive action, or will they doom everyone in the horror's path?

"Lover in the ice" is playable with Delta Green: Need to Know or Delta Green: Agent's Handbook, available from Arc Dream Publishing.

This terrifying scenario originally appeared as a reward for backers of the No Security Kickstarter from Hebanon Games.

Short description for convention games: Lafontaine, Missouri, is paralyzed by an ice storm. Delta Green has received a silent alarm from a storage unit in the city and needs eyes on the ground. (Content warning: body horror and sexual violence.)

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DIOGO A February 25, 2021 11:24 am UTC
Hi, where's the POD option ?
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Christopher D January 04, 2022 3:02 am UTC
It's there now.
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Thomas V April 03, 2019 6:34 pm UTC
This was the first scenario my group has ever played, and it really cemented my love for the dark, scary, creepy and realistic game of delta green! There is a lot of sexual themes in here, but that added to the realism, and it wasn't distracting or too bad at any point. I truly recommend this scenario!/
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Christopher D January 04, 2022 3:05 am UTC
Over time I've especially come to appreciate it for being willing to "go there" given that in a very subtle way, the Amante is a {SPOILER NOT REALLY} Metaphor for sexual assault. It makes more sense if you've been close to it, or close to anyone who has experienced it in their past.
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Gus D November 05, 2017 12:38 pm UTC
Hi. I would like to know if this PDF will receive the "full-color Print of Demand with a new cover" treatment in the future. I am quite the collector and I would love it to added to the growing DG scenario offer in DriveThruRPG. Cheers!
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Aaron N November 30, 2016 1:39 am UTC
Is anyone aware if any of the currently PDF-only modules for the new standalone DG RPG will be in print eventually (in any form)?
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Brian L October 23, 2016 2:20 pm UTC
I have this scenario already from the No Security Kickstarter a few years back. It looks from the preview that it might have been updated or revised since that version. Can anyone confirm if there's any additional Delta Green RPG content here, or if it's revised to any substantial extent? Thanks!
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Gus D November 05, 2017 12:36 pm UTC
Hi, Brian,
I do not have information on the No Security Kickstarter, but this version of the scenario is fully adapted to be played as a Delta Green scenario.


For instance, there is an intro in which the Agents receive instructions from their Delta Green Supervisor, and a full search and inventory of a Green Box, which are very DG-specific to be included in the original scenario, I think.

I also purchased the non-DG version of the Lover in the Ice PDF to have access to additional illustrations and maps, but unfortunately I haven't read it so I cannot give you more details.

I'm currently running the DG-version of Lover in the Ice for a group and it is working phenomenally, and as a very experienced DG handler I can confirm that both the flavor and the scenario structure work perfectly well in the DG universe.
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File Last Updated:
February 10, 2021
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde May 27, 2016.