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(SW) C01: Alagoran's Gem (Fantasy Grounds)Click to magnify

(SW) C01: Alagoran's Gem (Fantasy Grounds)

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A Savage Worlds classic RPG style adventure

The first adventure in’s Classic Series remembering Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, David C. Sutherland III, and the origins of the Dungeons & Dragons game.  C1 is an extremely challenging, traditional dungeon crawl crafted in the style of old school D&D adventure modules.  Make sure your players roll up extra characters, they’re going to need ‘em!

Brave a dungeon filled with ferocious monsters and deadly traps in an attempt to retrieve Alagoran’s Gem, a fabled gem coveted by lords and kings the world over.

Will your PCs conquer the dungeon and emerge with the rare gem, or meet their end inside, never to be heard from again?

Also included in “Alagoran’s Gem”:

  • A challenging dungeon inspired by some of the most classic and famous D&D adventures
  • Numerous and varied adventure hooks provided to introduce your PCs to the adventure
  • Suitable for use in any campaign setting 
  • Loads of dangerous new traps where wit overcomes all
  • Intriguing puzzles to engage gaming groups
  • A valuable gem of historic significance and a perfect hook to new adventures
  • Consistant 5-star reviews including EZG's seal of approval

"I honestly didn't expect much from this module, seeing how often "old-school" is used as a synonym for "nothing new/creative" here - that's not the case here. Yes, the story is simplistic, there is not a grand mini-game or some other twist - but know what? The design-philosophy, much like in the excellent modules by Frog God Games oozes this sense of antiquity, of looming danger and death, of unpredictability and the NEED, not the option, to use your brain in order to survive. This is not dungeoneering for people who cry when their character dies. This a module that oozes old-school flair, that evokes a sense of accomplishment when completed and, while it is a harsh mistress, remains a fair sojourn - this is no meat-grinder, it is a hard, challenging module. Not Rappan Athuk-level hard, mind you, but hard. And boy do I like it for that - the use of hazards, traps (that are not disabled via 1 roll) and enemies make this not only a blast from the past that evokes nostalgia via its themes and design, it also makes this module a stellar first offering for the C-series. I'm completely and fully recommending this very cheap module and look forward to seeing how the rest of the C-line will hold up to my scrutiny. If what I've written here even remotely intrigues you and if you're looking for a well-written dungeon-exploration - here you go. My final verdict? 5 stars, endzeitgeist seal of approval."


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        Andrew B April 24, 2018 2:06 am UTC
        This product is not listed as part of the Savage Worlds System.
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        Andrew B April 24, 2018 2:26 am UTC
        Thank you. Any chance of these adventures being made available for non-Fantasy-Grounds people? I don't use that software myself, so I would need PDF versions (or some other downloadable and readable file format) of these adventures to use them.
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        File Last Updated:
        December 10, 2018
        Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde April 20, 2018.