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To sup upon the city

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You did thirst for blood, and with blood I fill you

Dante Alighieri, Inferno

The one constant of our existence is the need for blood.  The ages are not kind, and the mortals must be cultivated slowly; such are the dictates of the Masquerade. 

One truth however is held above all others: blood is not just power, it is the currency of our kind.

Every drop matters…

It is in the vampiric nature to harness every aspect of the city and bend it to their undead will, whether with direct influence, or more subtle methods.  Controlling the local blood bank seems like either a bad joke or the plot to a cheesy B-movie, but in this town it’s is a strategic asset. 

To sup upon the City includes:

  • A ready-to-use location for your World of Darkness™ games
  • Discussion on the insidious role of blood donation and the commercialization of vitae to sate the kindred
  • Four developed chronicle-starters based on the Blood Bank that explore the need for human vitae, and the role it plays in the unlives of the local kindred
  • NPCs linked to the Blood Bank, whether as employees, infiltrators, or regular donors

Whilst this title makes a few references to Chicago by Night First Edition, the location, NPCs and story ideas are easily transferred into any Vampire: the Masquerade chronicle. 

The Revised and Updated Edition includes ten pages of additional content (one more chapter) and addresses the feedback received from readers.  I hope you enjoy the new edition.


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Richard P October 10, 2021 8:32 pm UTC
Are there any plans to upgrade this title, (or add an addendum), so that it will be compatible with v5 after October 15th? is there a way to reach you outside of the comments section here?
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Adrian S October 11, 2021 12:54 am UTC
Hi Richard, it's an interesting prospect. I do have a number of other titles in the works right now so I hadn't thought about any V5 content yet. This might be a project for later in the year and maybe integrate with the existing title. If I add content, then at least those who've already supported me will get it for free and I like that idea. The same would go for the Comments you left on my other two titles (I'll copy this across to those pages too).
As for contacting me, the Comments section works fine as I receive an Alert/Notification. I do hope that helps, and I'll post here when I eventually get to V5 versions of content. In the meantime, feel free to post here.
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Richard P October 11, 2021 3:44 am UTC
Thank you for the reply and the update. The subject that I wish to discuss isn't one that I'm comfortable with sharing in a open forum, as there are a few parts to it. If you ever open up a line of communication, please let me know.
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Adrian S October 11, 2021 11:59 pm UTC
Hello Richard, I completely understand. Use I look forward to hearing from you.
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File Last Updated:
July 04, 2019
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde June 25, 2018.