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Way of the Wicked Subscription -- 6 PDF

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The Kingdom of Talingarde is the most noble, virtuous, peaceful nation in the known world. Herein is the story of how you burned this insipid paradise to the ground.

With this subscription, you get access to the whole story of its destruction. You get all the available PDFs instantly and get the new chapters as soon as they become available.

Book One -- Knot of Thorns. How you escaped from prison, joined an evil organization and started a war of vengeance against Talingarde -- AVAILABLE NOW!

Book Two -- Call Forth Darkness. How you became master of your own dungeon and used that base of operations to call forth a daemon prince to deliver you a weapon without peer to crush Talingarde -- AVAILABLE NOW!

Book Three -- Tears of the Blessed. How you built an army and smashed one of the great temples of light in Talingarde -- coming in April 2012

Book Four -- Of Dragons and Princesses. How you forged an alliance with the great wyrm Chargammon and used the beast to destroy the great and noble rulers of Talingarde -- coming in June 2012

Book Five -- The Devil My Only Master. How you betrayed your so-called master and became the sole rulers of the evil organization you once served -- coming in August 2012

Book Six -- The Wages of Sin. How you organized the greatest army of wickedness that Talingarde has ever known and how you at last will have your revenge -- coming in October 2012

"Way of the Wicked" is the only evil adventure path for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Join us for twenty levels of irredeemable villainy.

You've saved the world plenty.

This time, the world needs saving from you.

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Andre B July 05, 2020 8:22 pm UTC
It's worth pointing out that you don't save any money buying this as a bundle... I would suggest getting the free preview " Way of the Wicked Free Preview Prison Break", if you like that purchase the first module " Way of the Wicked Book One Knot of Thorns" and if you like that then buy the other modules one by one as you need them, it will work out to the same price. Modules one through six of Way of the Wicked cover the complete adventure path from the beginning of the campaign all of the way up to it's conclusion.
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File Last Updated:
March 30, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde March 30, 2012.