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The Unspeakable Oath 21

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Arc Dream Publishing is proud to present The Unspeakable Oath 21, the latest long-awaited installment in our more-or-less quarterly digest of tools, scenarios, and reviews to make your Cthulhu Mythos games more terrifying than ever.

The Unspeakable Oath 21 includes:

“The Dread Page of Azathoth,” an editor’s column by Shane Ivey.

“The Mock Auction,” a Tale of Terror by Adam Gauntlett.

“Saucer Attack 1928!: The Dunwich ‘Horror’,” a Mysterious Manuscript by Bret Kramer.

“Engines Underground,” a Mysterious Manuscript by Greg Stolze.

“Ein Konto der Hexeraserei im Lindheim,” a Mysterious Manuscript for Trail of Cthulhu by Adam Gauntlett.

“Das Teufelherz,” an Arcane Artifact for Trail of Cthulhu by Adam Gauntlett.

“Sukakpak,” a scenario by Jason Morningstar with conversion notes for Call of Cthulhu, Trail of Cthulhu, Cthulhu Dark, and Nemesis.

“Unaussprechlichen Klutzen,” a Fiasco playset by Graham Walmsley.

“The Man With a Thousand Faces,” a Call of Cthulhu scenario by Richard A. Becker.

“Tradecraft Meets Lovecraft,” a Delta Green Directive from A-Cell by Adam Scott Glancy.

“She Had Everything,” a Message in a Bottle by Brennan Bishop.

The Eye of Light and Darkness, with nine reviews:

  • At the Mountains of Madness, a graphic novel by I.N.J Culbard based on the H.P. Lovecraft novella, reviewed by Chase W. Beck.
  • Die Farbe, a film directed by Huan Vu based on the H.P. Lovecraft story, reviewed by Brian M. Sammons.
  • The Poisoner’s Handbook, a history by Deborah Blum, reviewed by Greg Stolze.
  • Zombies of the World, a field manual by Ross Payton, reviewed by Chase W. Beck.
  • Elder Sign, a boardgame from Fantasy Flight Games, reviewed by Matthew Pook.
  • Stunning Eldritch Tales, a Trail of Cthulhu scenario collection by Robin D. Laws, reviewed by Matthew Pook.
  • The Book of Cthulhu, an anthology from Night Shade Books, reviewed by Greg Stolze.
  • Historical Lovecraft, an anthology from Innsmouth Free Press, reviewed by Brian M. Sammons.
  • The Doom From Below, a Call of Cthulhu scenario by Stan!, reviewed by Matthew Pook.

The Unspeakable Oath 21 is illustrated by Vicente Silvera Catalá, Robert Mansperger Jr., Bradley McDevitt, Jason Morningstar, Brennen Reece and Todd Shearer. Cover art is by Todd Shearer. It is edited by Shane Ivey with Adam Crossingham, Dan Harms, Greg Stolze and John Scott Tynes.

The Unspeakable Oath 21 is sponsored by Atlas Games, Chaosium Inc., the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival, Innsmouth Free Press, Miskatonic River Press, NecronomiCon 2013, and Pagan Publishing. If you like the Oath, thank them and buy their work!

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Alexander L. [Crítico destacado]
August 10th, 2012
Originally posted at Wow, I can’t believe it’s been over a [...]
August 9th, 2012
As ever, this “quarters” unspeakable oath is an excellent addition to the world of Mythos gaming. It has a range of articles for different Mythos gaming systems, is well layed out(didn't give me a head ache being my metric for this), art is of goo [...]
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File Last Updated:
August 06, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde August 07, 2012.