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#1 With a Bullet Point: 13 Dwarven Questing FeatsClick to magnify
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#1 With a Bullet Point: 13 Dwarven Questing Feats

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Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. While solid world- building is a useful skill, you don’t always need four paragraphs of flavor text to tell you swords are cool, magic is power, shadows are scary, and orcs are savage. Sometimes a GM doesn’t have time to slog through a page of history for every magic weapon. Sometimes all that’s needed are a few cool ideas, with just enough information to use them in a game. Sometimes, all you need are bullet points.

#1 With A Bullet Point is a line of very short, cheap PDFs each of which gives the bare bones of a set of related options. It may be five spells, six feats, eight magic weapon special abilities, or any other short set of related rules we can cram into about a page. Short and simple, these PDFs are for GMs and players who know how to integrate new ideas into their campaigns without any hand-holding, and just need fresh ideas and the rules to support them. No in-character fiction setting the game world. No charts and tables. No sidebars of explanations and optional rules. Just one sentence of explanation for the High Concept of the PDF, then bullet points.

High Concept: Feats designed to allow dwarves to draw on a rich and storied heritage as a proud people who go on many (well-organized) quests.

The feats included are:

  • Ancient Secrets: Your ancestors went on many quests, and as a result you have been left with many maps and secrets about how and where your foes may hide their valuables.
  • Battle Name: In your past you were part of a famous battle, where you earned an honorific name and learned the weaknesses of one kind of foe.
  • By The Numbers: You do not easily lose track of your companions.
  • Dwarven Weapon Focus: You know that a quest can call for different weapons to overcome different problems, and have practiced with all weapons. Or, at least, all dwarven weapons.
  • Dwarven Weapon Specialization: If it can be smashed, sliced, or perforated, you are ready for it!
  • Hold the Line: You know a group often must stand together, or it will fall apart.
  • Questing Proconsul: You know the ins and outs of forming a dwarving questing company.
  • Seasoned: You have tested yourself on many quests, and proven your ability to resist most harmful effects.
  • Short Distances: Sometimes, a quest requires you to hustle.
  • Storied Heritage: You are from a long line of noble dwarves who went on many quests, and who made their line (including you) mightier as a result.
  • Tomb Smasher: You are skilled at breaking onto stone tombs and rock dungeons.
  • Vengeful: You do not take it kindly when your questing companions are hurt.
  • Veteran: You are experienced adventurer, used to assisting others who are in the same questing company as you, or who have similar training to your own.
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Sean H. [Crítico destacado]
December 21st, 2013
1 With a Bullet Point: 13 Dwarven Questing Feats from Rogue Genius Games is built around expanding the core ideas of dwarven identity, such as they organize and contract quests, implemented through the Questing Proconsul feat which provides minor bonu [...]
January 18th, 2013
All right, you know the drill – 4 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page SRD, leaving us with 2 pages of content for the 13 new feats, so let’s take a look: -Ancestral Secrets: Nice Dm-tool that allows the Dwarf to once per level or month create [...]
Megan R. [Crítico destacado]
December 21st, 2012
Here's a treat for dwarf-lovers - player and GM alike - a collection of feats which emphasise dwarven heritage and race-specific skills. No mere short fellows with beards and a fascination with gold, but a race surrounded by legend and utilising their [...]
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File Last Updated:
December 20, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde December 20, 2012.