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City Slums

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City Slums360

DramaScape Modern Volume 04

This is a 48 x 30 inch Floor Plan of  City Slums, it has Hex, Square and No Overlays, it also includes the VTT files for online play. The map suits Modern rpg.

The PDF includes a 360° View of the map.

Game Masters need quality maps for their miniatures. DramaScape™ is committed to bringing Game Masters the maps they need.

This module includes a large single map of a city slum. This product includes a 360 panoramic view from the middle of the road.

This product is intended for use in modern games. The run down city slum also fits well into a gritty Horror or post apocalyptic game. 

The city slums are on the wrong side of town and not a place you want to end up. The east side of the road has a blockade made from a collapsed building. Traffic cones once surrounded this, but have been pulled from around it and scattered throughout the slums. Once a lost vehicle stops in front on the blockade they usually find backing up to be impossible as thugs roll up in their own vehicles and surround the car. People on foot can get lost and end up in a back alley filled with trash where they are usually mugged. Innocent citizens getting carjacked or mugged might bring superheroes to clean out the thugs.

Concerned political or economic leaders in the city might pay mercenaries and bounty hunters to disperse the street gang through intermediaries, if only to clear the area long enough to get a construction crew in to clean out the debris finally. This also could be a place where the group runs into this neighborhood and the street gang from a botched Streetwise roll while looking for information or navigating through the city.


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December 9th, 2013
This is a decent product on a scale and scope I can certainly use. It a little different in that its slums. Its generic enough to be anywhere form pulp to near future. lots of exciting spots for conflict. Its only problem is the contrast and perceived [...]
March 21st, 2013
The following review was originally posted at Roleplayers Chronicle and can be read in its entirety at City Slums accurately captures the hopeless w [...]
Megan R. [Crítico destacado]
March 3rd, 2013
This is an interesting and useful mapset of the rough end of town, industrial rather than residential, the sort of place in which trouble might easily kick off and get out of hand. It would be suitable for any contemporary or near-future setting, or ev [...]
Sean F. [Crítico destacado]
March 2nd, 2013
DramaScape maps are of the absolute highest quality, with features that you just don't get normally. The ability to take a scene and rotate through it in 360 vision is mind-blowing! GMs can show their players the character-eye view of an area all the [...]
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File Last Updated:
January 06, 2015
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde March 02, 2013.