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NPC Codex

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Precio sugerido $1.49

Allies and rivals within!

Inside are 20 flavorful NPCs to use in your 5th edition campaign. Each is given their own personality, quirks, and memorable features to help gamemasters bring them to life. They can be interesting faces in town, potential allies to aid in adventuring, or villains of their own - the choice is up to you!

Individual art files of each NPC are also provided.

The NPC Codex is part of Dungeons on Demand: Volume Two.

Dungeons on Demand

Dungeons on Demand is a line instant dungeons you can drop into your campaign, each is designed for 4-5 player parties of specified levels, and each dungeon is complete with a back story, hand drawn maps, traps, puzzles, and reference information to monsters and treasure. You can customize each one to fit in your campaign however you wish, and each one can be played through in one or two gaming sessions.

Dungeons on Demand is not affiliated with Wolpertinger Press or Dungeon-on-Demand, but you should definitely check them out!


Author Dan Coleman has been a Dungeon Master for two decades now, first picking up the dice with second edition. He can tell you what THAC0 stands for, a first level fighter's saving throw against rods, staves, and wands, and why players get excited to find "Treasure Type H."

Since then he's been through every new edition, and has written custom classes, spells, items, adventures, and system mods for each. By day he's a humble graphic designer and illustrator, but by night he's a full time role-player and game designer. 


Take a look here:

This title is included in ;Dungeons on Demand: Volume Two!


The second volume of ;Dungeons on Demand ;includes the these four dungeon adventures:

  • Mischief Makers ;- Level 2 Adventure ;Dungeon ;
  • No Laughing Matter ;- Level 5 Adventure Dungeon
  • That Sinking Feeling ;- ;Level 9 Adventure Dungeon
  • Old Habits ;- Level 13 Adventure Dungeon
It also includes the following supplements:
  • NPC Codex ;- Gaming Supplement
  • Cities and Towns ;- Gaming Supplement

Do you like Dan's work? Check out ;MajiMonsters, a monster-catching, fantasy RPG!


The ;MajiMonsters Core Rulebook ;contains...

  • Information on binders, the heroes of the world
  • How to make a customized character
  • Instructions for Game Masters
  • A horde of magical relics to find and use
  • All the rules for combat and playing the game
  • A catalog of all 114 known MajiMonsters
  • Descriptions of over 440 combat techniques
  • Sample NPC allies and rivals
  • Rules for making your very own, custom MajiMonsters!
  • PDF version includes bookmarks
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Opiniones (9)
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April 11th, 2021
First NPC collection I've seen that successfully delivers NPC's that are interesting/decent in combat, memorable and useful as characters, and able to dropped into a campaign with their prewritten hooks without having to do a ton of prep changes [...]
May 4th, 2020
A good variety of characters, who could fit in many types of campaigns. The illustrations are good, and the characters range from "pretty normal", which is mostly what I want, to "would fit someone else's campaign better" but [...]
May 3rd, 2016
As a DM w/ a custom world/campaign and a busy schedule, well made tools like this are very helpful. Each character contains significant background information and will be fairly easy to cut-and-paste into VTT's such as Fantasy Grounds (my preference) [...]
April 2nd, 2016
This is perfect. I need some NPCs for a one-shot and just dropped these in. I particularly loved that each character had artwork. In roll20, I was able to drop these in as new "maps" and when players went to interact with the NPC, thei [...]
March 31st, 2016
This is an absolutely awesome product and a great NPC resource, especially for DM's on a time/prep budget. Nyx and Corde were used during a random encounter in my current campaign and have since become essential to our story over the past six months. [...]
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File Last Updated:
March 31, 2016
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde August 20, 2015.