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Mythic Role Playing

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Create dynamic, solo role-playing adventures without preparation.
For use as a stand-alone game or as a supplement for other systems.


This PDF file has been updated in 2022 with new artwork.

Mythic Role-Playing brought true, solo play to the world of tabletop role-playing in 2003, kicking off a solo revolution that continues today. The red book Mythic Role-Playing contains the ground-breaking solo emulation rules, giving you everything you need to play any RPG system without a Gamemaster, as well as a complete RPG system and rules for creating your own improvised RPG as you play.

Mythic adventures are meant to be played off the cuff, with perhaps a few minutes of brainstorming to come up with the initial setup. Through a Yes/No oracle system, Mythic guides you through your adventure as you test your expectations. A Random Event mechanic throws narrative curve balls at you, and the Chaos Factor keeps tilting the story throughout your adventure to change up the pace.

The Mythic system is supported through additional rulebooks that add more options to your solo play, as well as Mythic Magazine bringing fresh ideas and rules monthly. Mythic has a fanbase spanning two decades, creating a wide and diverse community you can draw more ideas and inspiration from.

Welcome to true solo role-playing. Happy adventuring!

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Opiniones (41)
Debates (13)
Customer avatar
Cale K February 09, 2024 6:53 pm UTC
Okay, so I am interested in this, but I've seen mention of a new edition coming out fairly soon. Based on how the new edition for the blue version of the book went, is it just better to wait for the next edition of this one to drop and by that one instead, or are they going to be fairly identical?
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Tana P February 12, 2024 4:44 pm UTC
The second edition of Mythic Roleplaying is getting a very similar treatment to it as the Mythic GME book did. I view the books as companions to each other. So it'll be a full overhaul, while the core systems will still be very familiar. I can't say when the book will come out, it's still in early development. My hope is to have it done by the end of the year.
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Pink R April 12, 2023 6:57 pm UTC
What's the difference between this, the yellow book, and Mythic Game Master Emulator?
And the 2nd edition Mythic Game Master Emulator?
Which should I buy if I want everything?
Which should I buy if I want to play a PC with my small D&D group?
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Tana P April 14, 2023 5:19 pm UTC
This book, the Mythic RPG red book, contains the GM emulation rules and a full RPG to use with it. The Mythic Game Master Emulator blue book contains the same GM emulation rules, but without the RPG material. The yellow Mythic Variations book (as well as Mythic Variations 2) offers additional rules to expand the GM Emulator rules in the red and blue books.

Mythic GME2E is a new edition of the blue book. It contains some of the material from the Variations books, updated.

If you want everything, then I would suggest getting MGME2E and MRPG, and consider getting the Variations books if you want a little bit extra.

If you want to play a PC with your small D&D group then I would suggest MGME2E. While the GM emulator rules are primarily targeted at the solo player, they work just as well with a group as a replacement GM or to assist a GM in creating an adventure as you play.
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Benjamin N March 14, 2023 4:43 am UTC
I heard a rumour that this will be getting a second edition. Is that true?
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Tana P March 14, 2023 9:31 pm UTC
Yes, that rumor is true :) I don't have a release date yet, but I'm working on it now.
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Cory G September 17, 2023 5:06 pm UTC
Is this 2nd edition you're referring to different than the Revised edition that's currently available, or do you mean that version is coming to print on demand?
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Tana P September 17, 2023 8:28 pm UTC
The Mythic RPG 2nd edition, which is in the works, is different from this current Mythic RPG revised edition. Mythic RPG was revised in 2022 with new artwork and a couple of very minor text error changes, but everything else stayed the same. The upcoming second edition will be a brand new book, much like how the recent Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition was to the original MGME.
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Phillip D October 01, 2022 1:27 am UTC
Will the revised version be available for print-on-demand?
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Tana P October 01, 2022 2:02 pm UTC
Yes, I expect that to be ready by the end of October, as soon as I've proofed the print copies.
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Cory G September 17, 2023 5:35 pm UTC
Is this the same as the revised edition that's sold on another market? (Assuming this is the updated revised edition and not the original?)
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Tana P September 17, 2023 8:22 pm UTC
Yes, this is the current, revised edition that was updated in 2022.
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Sam P September 30, 2022 4:29 pm UTC
Hi Tana,

I saw that you just updated this title. Thanks for your great work!

There are 2 PDFs available for download: one that is just revised.pdf and another that is revised092722.pdf. Is there any difference between the two? I assume the second one is the most recent?

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Tana P September 30, 2022 5:28 pm UTC
Hi Sam, thank you :)

Revised092722 is the more recent one. The only difference is I fixed a couple of spelling mistakes that were in a table and I fixed an error in a table at the back of the book (apparently I introduced that error with the previous update.)

Take care :)

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Kelly W July 03, 2022 10:14 pm UTC
should i get or need the blue mythic game master emulator with this for solo gaming?
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Tana P July 03, 2022 10:25 pm UTC
Hi Kelly :)

If you have the red book then you don't need the blue one. The blue book contains only the solo Game Master Emulation system from the red book, omitting the RPG mechanics. I did this because most people play Mythic for the solo oracle, so I wanted to have a separate volume available that just contains that.
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Emma L June 20, 2022 11:49 am UTC
Thank you for an excellent product. Is there any chance of there being a hardback version?
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Tana P June 22, 2022 8:35 pm UTC
Thank you for your kind words, Emma :) Yes, there is a hardcover and a softcover version coming. With the artwork being updated, I had to remove the old POD file to get ready for the new ones. That will likely take a month or two as I review printed proof copies, but they are in the works!
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Bobby C July 02, 2022 2:33 am UTC
That's great news! Cheers!
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Emma L July 29, 2022 12:30 pm UTC
The kind words are only the truth as we see it. Will look forward to a hardback version POD when available. We wear our printed pdf's out too quickly and the two soft printed copies are going the same way Thank you for your reply.
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Everson A July 30, 2021 2:36 pm UTC
Is there the possibility of translating Mythic's books into Portuguese?
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Colin H June 15, 2021 7:57 pm UTC
Whats the difference between the red and blue covered versions?
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Tana P June 17, 2021 5:08 pm UTC
Hi Colin, thanks for the question. The red book presents the Emulator rules but also a full RPG and additional rules suggestions for helping to combine Mythic with other RPGs. The blue book contains the same Emulator rules, but with everything else removed so it just focuses on GM Emulation. Most people who use Mythic are using it for the solo GM Emulation portion so find the blue book to be enough. The red book is useful if you're looking for a standalone Mythic RPG. The rules contained in the red book are modular in the sense that you can use what you want without having to use everything to make it all work.
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Colin H June 18, 2021 7:54 am UTC
Thanks for the reply. :)
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Massimiliano B August 17, 2019 4:47 am UTC
Hi, a quick questioni. The gm emulator in this book and the gm emulator standalone book are the same or one of them is a revised version? Thanks
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Jim L August 17, 2019 1:30 pm UTC
They're the same.
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Mark V October 12, 2020 12:37 pm UTC
The Emulator one is revised to account for the fact that it can be used for any RPG. The one in the original book is bigger by two rows and 4 columns, the ranks have different names so they suit the RPG rules that are presented in the book better. The Event Focus table is slightly different. The biggest difference is probably that the 2 d100 word lists are not in the original, there is just one d200 table which are some of the possible combinations you could come up with the new tables.
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Julian S January 06, 2019 7:10 pm UTC
As a newbie to paper and pen RPG and as yet have not found a group to adventure with I thought I'd try solo. I like the idea of this set up, but from hours of reading and highlighting the book and trying to set up a sequence to start play I'm stuck. To me a flowchart with page references would help. Has any one done a diagram to simplify this book for new comers to the hobby? And why don't more game designers add easy read flow diagrams... a one or two page logical order goto to their large core rulebook tombs? Maybe it's just me not being able to process the info :-)
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Jim L January 07, 2019 1:08 am UTC
I might do a guide on my blog on how to use Mythic GM Emulator with other systems. What I did was to ditch the Mythic system altogether (not that it's bad, just that I wasn't as fond of it as other systems) and combined the GM Emulator with Savage Worlds. For me, it flowed very naturally. You only need to print out three things: the Fate Chart, the Events Generator, and the Adventure Worksheet. The Fate Chart and Events Generator are easy enough to use. For the Adventure Worksheet, simply use it to keep track of the scenario as it goes along.
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Julian S January 16, 2019 6:41 pm UTC
Thanks for the advice and your time to reply Jim. I'll give that a go. Have recently bought Solo for Traveller and will see if I can use that with fantasy as well as sci-fi.
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Guntis V October 31, 2015 12:07 pm UTC
Duh. This should have been the first tabletop RPG I saw! Amazing.
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Kurt R August 22, 2015 10:52 am UTC
I just got this PDF and was wondering what chapters do I need to read that are in the MGME to get the SOLO RPG aspect out of this?
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Jim L October 18, 2015 4:35 am UTC
I've successfully run a solo game on Savage Worlds using the following tools from Mythic:
- Adventure Worksheet
- Fate Chart
- Events Tables
- Scaling Box

I found that I didn't really need anything else, including the NPC worksheets, but YMMV depending on what system you use. Here are the chapters that I think are worth reading to learn its style of GMEing:
Chapter 3 - Fate Chart
Chapter 6 - Randomness
Chapter 7 - The Adventure
Chapter 8 - Game Master Emulation
Chapter 9 - World Creation
Chapter 11 - Converting to Mythic
Chapter 12 - Notes and Suggestions
Chapter 13 - Extended Play Example

Hope this helps!
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File Last Updated:
September 27, 2022
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde January 07, 2003.