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Map Folio: Early Phase

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Please note: we're provided a custom preview of this product via the link under the thumbnail of the cover above. This preview includes the Designer’s Notes that explain how these maps are different from versions available in prior products. Also included is a complete list of all the maps in the set, plus previews of five maps to show the diversity of the collection. The maps in the preview are image samples only and are not offered in the same resoltion as the Map Folio itself.

* * * * *

This digital download bundle includes 44 maps for use with the King Arthur Pendragon roleplaying game. It includes all of the maps by designer Malcolm Wolter from the Book of the Estate, the Book of the Warlord, and the Book of Uther. The maps are presented in the original black and white format, but in high-resolution (as much as 2,000 pixels wide) suitable for printing or for use with virtual tabletops.

The maps span the Early Phase of The Great Pendragon Campaign, and cover a diverse range of subjects, including: 

  • A comprehensive list of castle sites for the Uther, Anarchy and Boy King periods
  • Several authentic motte-and-bailey castle plans
  • Political and ecclesiastical power-bases in the Kingdom of Logres
  • Player-knight estates and castles
  • Greg Staffor’s updated vision of County Salisbury
  • The Supreme Collegium of Britain
  • The sites of British abbeys and Roman churches
  • A plan for a typical abbey of this era
  • A complete list of Market towns
  • Natural resources
  • Royal forests and hunting lodges

All this and more on awaits you in our first-ever Map Folio!

Designed for 5th Edition King Arthur Pendragon. Get the rulebook here.

Check out all our ;5th Edition Products.

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Opiniones (1)
Debates (10)
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Erik B January 23, 2021 12:26 pm UTC
Please: make this into a POD possibility!
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Michael H January 27, 2020 2:02 am UTC
Alternate preview is missing :|
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Malcolm W January 28, 2020 6:26 pm UTC
Sorry, not sure what the glitch is there. I will ask the good DriveThru folks to have a look.
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Steve H November 01, 2018 2:46 pm UTC
The preview doesn't seem to match the description of the preview. The description says that the preview includes Designer's Notes and five maps. I can only see one (very small) map plus a legend and a list of maps. No Designer's Notes.
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Ian W April 06, 2017 1:45 am UTC
Um, "Count of Salisbury"??? when did we have counts? Earls yes, Counts are a french abomination (ok, slight prejudice). Sorry, but that alone makes me suspect your historical accuracy.
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Malcolm W April 06, 2017 10:33 am UTC
Thanks, Ian. KING ARTHUR PENDRAGON is not intended to be historically accurate in every detail. The Kingdom of Logres is not historical England (although the geography is certainly informed by it), so the titles of the nobility are not bound to that historical setting either. I'm sure Greg Stafford could go into a lot more detail of why he switched to "count" in recent years (he used to use "earl", in fact) but that's beyond the scope of this reply. Suffice it to say, it is his wish to use "count" — not because of an ignorance of history, but because of a deliberate design choice. Believe me, as someone who's studied Arthuriana and medieval history for over 50 years, Greg has forgotten more about English history than you or I will ever know.
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Darren H March 10, 2018 12:10 pm UTC
Pendragon is deliberately anachronistic. Using the term "Earl" feels even more jarringly wrong, since it's a relic of anglosaxon times and Pendragon is set at a time when angles and saxons have only just started invading!
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Luca C September 29, 2018 8:29 am UTC
The origin of the "Count" word is not French but from Latin "Comes" which was a military title in late Roman/early Byzantine armies/adimistration.
Other languages (e g. the Italian "Conte") have similar latin-derived title.
"Earl" is more Germanic and derived from Saxon (do you notice for example the similarity with Norse "Jarl"?).
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Rich E April 05, 2017 7:44 pm UTC
Seems too expensive for what is mostly from the Book of the Estate, the Book of the Warlord, and the Book of Uther. If it covered all time periods or was less expensive, I'd be more interested. And if previous products have what are now outdated maps, will they be updated so that those of us who have already purchased those products will get the newer maps?
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Stewart W April 05, 2017 7:51 pm UTC
The previously published maps have not been outdated as there are no changes per se. They are offered here in high-resolution. I understand it's not a product for everyone, but 100's of hours were put into creating these maps.
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Malcolm W April 06, 2017 10:51 am UTC
To expand a bit on Stewart's reply, these maps are primarily intended for gamemasters who would like higher-res maps for use with virtual tabletops, play by post, or for easily making mods for their own private use. It works out to about 56¢ per map — a great value, when one considers the convenience and portability. But indeed, they're not for everyone. Perhaps some folks didn't buy the some or all of the books that the maps were originally featured in, but would like to have the maps. Some may want them for use in Roll20 or Battlegrounds. Those who truly value them will pay what we regard as a fair price for the effort that went into them. Those who don't, won't — or may simply choose to wait for a sale, or a bundle deal. But sales have been brisk so far — exceeding our expectations! Thanks to all who have purchased. It helps us continue to bring you cool KING ARTHUR PENDRAGON products!
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Nocturnal M April 01, 2017 3:15 pm UTC
We're happy to post a preview PDF. We'll create it this weekend and ask DTRPG to add it asap next week.
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Michael H January 27, 2020 2:05 am UTC
It's no longer working.
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Charles F April 01, 2017 10:58 am UTC
Although I have *EVERYTHING* Pendragon, I would like to see a better preview.
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Nocturnal M April 05, 2017 4:09 pm UTC
Custom preview posted!
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Sergio V April 01, 2017 7:55 am UTC
I agree with you both.... It's not a small price so please let us take a look first.
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Nocturnal M April 05, 2017 4:09 pm UTC
Custom preview posted!
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Guilherme S March 31, 2017 11:11 pm UTC
I second Michael. I am interested in the maps, but USD 24.99 is steep (at least for a Brazilian), so I would like to have a glimpse of them before buying.
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Nocturnal M April 05, 2017 4:09 pm UTC
Custom preview posted!
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Michael S March 31, 2017 10:49 pm UTC
Can we see a few previews (at lower resolution) of the maps?
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Malcolm W April 01, 2017 1:06 pm UTC
Good point, friends. We will work to get something posted ASAP. In the meantime, if you own the three books mentioned you already have previews. These are the maps from those publications, presented as high-res jpgs.
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Nocturnal M April 05, 2017 4:09 pm UTC
Custom preview posted!
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File Last Updated:
May 26, 2017
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde March 31, 2017.