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MARS: The Roleplaying Game of Planetary Romance (d20 version)Click to magnify

MARS: The Roleplaying Game of Planetary Romance (d20 version)

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Welcome to Mars!

Not Mars as it is - airless, most likely lifeless, with only the faintest hints of what might have once been a damp, if not necessarily lush and living, world billions of years in the past. No, this is Mars as it should be and as it was once imagined to be - an ancient, dying, but not yet dead world, a world where a vast canal network reaches from pole to pole, bringing water and life to vast and fantastic cities. A Mars where albino apes run a vast empire in the last surviving jungle, a world where warrior tribes of Green Martians raid the outlying cities of the canal dwellers, a world where, in places dark and quiet and forgotten beneath the surface, ancient and terrible intellects plan dark and dire deeds.

It is a Mars of sky-corsairs, of duels with blade and blaster, of vile plots, fantastic inventions, daring rescues, arena battles, and spectacular stunts. It is a Mars where ancient cities can be discovered and their lost treasures plundered, a Mars where a trek across the dry sea bottoms can yield amazing discoveries, where terrible monsters roam the rocky wastes.

It is the Mars of pulp fiction and Saturday morning serials.

It is now yours.

Adamant Entertainment's long-awaited Roleplaying Game of Planetary Romance features everything you need to get started telling tales of adventure beneath the moons of Mars. From character creation to combat, from strange science to even stranger beasts, MARS has it all. No other rulebooks required -- although guidelines are provided on using other versions of the world's most popular role-playing rules as well, allowing you to use Mars as a setting for your fantasy campaigns, or to transport your Modern characters to the Red Planet!

A Free Preview of this product is available by clicking HERE.

This product is the original d20 version of MARS, and is not usable or required for the Savage Worlds version

A print version of this product, in hardcover or softcover, can be ordered directly from the Adamant Entertainment website (click to visit).

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Opiniones (9)
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Timothy B. [Crítico destacado]
August 6th, 2012
Adamant Entertainment distilled some of the best features of the Planetary Romance/Sci-Fantasy genre into their Mars books. The lineage is obviously Edgar Rice Burroughs, with Green, Red and White (Ape) Martians. There is also a fair enough amount of [...]
March 12th, 2012
I downloaded the free preview, and liked it enough to grab the full game. I wanted to jot a quick review while the sale was still going on. I'd say if you're on the fence about this game, GET IT. I haven't read it cover to cover and haven't had [...]
March 7th, 2009
I got this for the GM DAY sale... A complete steal for 240+ pages of well-know, well-loved material from various sources on one of the most enthralling settings and subgenres to ever appear on written form. MARS works as very good d20 setting, a [...]
January 28th, 2009
I have been really glad to pick up this product during a 1$ sale. As such, it was a gift, for which I am thankful to the publisher. however, if I had to pay 25$ for it, I would have been disappointed: it's mostly a rule-book, with very little of the se [...]
December 27th, 2008
I got this pdf during an Adamant $1 sale, and does a nice job of offering gaming opportunities and source material based on many of the sagas of the Red Planet so many of us love. A couple of sections seemed a bit skimpy on content, and often this prod [...]
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File Last Updated:
April 06, 2007
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde April 06, 2007.