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Chest of Adventures

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Almost 200 pages of some of the most popular content on the Explorer's Society. Dozens of hours of entertainment of the highest possible quality. All for more than 25% OFF (now 33%!) the cover price. If you bought each of these products individually, you’d pay $18!

This collection of best-selling titles for 7th Sea 2ed includes:

1) Disadvantages - over 100 disadvantages for both Heroes and Villains

2) The Sarmatian Bestiary: 

  • Almost 20 new Monsters, each with an accompanying  illustration and description
  • Plot hooks and example encounters for each entry
  • New advantages, a background, and other game mechanics
  • A new Dievas deal and an entry about two most famous Sarmatian dievai
  • Art Gallery section, so you can safely show the images to your players
  • Legends, myths, and lore!
3) Gold and Shadows
  • Gold and Shadows is the very first campaign book for 7th Sea 2ed. It consists of 4 linked adventures and provides about 20-30 hours of fun. It is divided into four chapters and each chapter offers five or more scenes, each with sample Opportunities and Consequences. The module also provides plot hooks, campaign tie-ins, NPCs and a lot of ideas to inspire your games.
4) Madman's Blade
  • “Madman’s Blade” is a 7th Sea 2ed adventure that takes place in the magical land of Avalon. While visiting Carleon, the Heroes come across a crazy old man and soon they are fighting the Sidhe, travel to the Fey Realm, and more!

    The module features:

    -        A scenario that plays in about 4-6 hours

    -        Beautiful, never before seen art, with an art gallery section at the end you can show to your players

    -        Plothooks that help you insert the adventure into your ongoing campaign

    -        New monsters and NPCs

    -        7 scenes, each with distinctive Consequences and Opportunities

    -        Ideas for a convention play

All titles require 7th Sea 2ed corebook from John Wick Presents to play.
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Letzte Aktualisierung der Datei:
November 21, 2018
Dieses Produkt wurde am November 21, 2018 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.